Meet the OKPRI Team!

My name is Christy. I am the Founder of OKPRI and team Intuitive Psych
I have a Bachelors in Education and am currently a teacher but am also working on a masters degree in counseling. I grew up in a very religious home and learned the importance of spiritual intervention early in my life. I began having unique experiences with spirit at a young age but did not understand these experiences until I became an adult. Intrigued by spirit and the paranormal side of things, I began conducting paranormal research through paranormal investigations in 1999. In June of 2000 I formed OKPRI, (Oklahoma Paranormal Research and Investigations) where I continue the study of the paranormal realm.
I began writing all my experiences down and in March of 2015, I released my first book entitled “Spirits Among Us.” My book answers many questions about the unknown and also tells the stories of my ghostly adventures to include stories told by the ghosts themselves. It is also a self-help book for those who find they have sensitivities and just need some direction in how to use them. I am working on writing my second book and hopes to have it published in the near future.
I have been involved in several media appearances representing OKPRI to include television, radio, newspapers, public conferences and books. OKPRI has been featured in several different books and has been featured nationally on Sci-Fi with Ghosthunters, A&E, the Bio Channel and on OETA. We continue our endeavor to understand the realm of the Paranormal.
I also help those in need with intuitive readings giving insight into areas of one's daily lives.