"Awe, I want my din-din"
"I'll eat it all, I'll eat it all"
"Mama, mama"
"I have it"
"My Jesus is dead"
"A doctor here?"
"What the hell? What are you doing?"
"That's me and Mike"
"His pants are off!"
"Look right here"
"Are we dead?"
"What are yall doing?"
"Died young"
"See the headstones, see the headstones"
"I'm right here, photograph"
"We started it"
"Say it talk, Mandy, I love you."
"You'll all be dead"
Class C---Voice is present, but is usually hard to hear or understand.
Examples of Class C evps below
"Go, get out"
"Hi, I'm Samantha"
"For God's sake"
"Oh no, they're psychic"
"You wanna play, play?"
"It's right on the table"
"Check my hat, I need a picture"
"Run, I'll deal with it"
"Why won't you talk to me?"
"Yall remember to hide"
Electronic Voice Phenomenon
What exactly is EVP?
Parapsychologists and Spiritualists have an ongoing interest in EVP. Many spiritualists experiment with a variety of techniques for spirit communication which they believe provide evidence of the continuation of life. Within ghost hunting and parapsychology, enthusiasts consider Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) to be a form of paranormal phenomena often found in recordings with static or other background noise. EVP also has "Voice Frequency Shifts" which are voices that are involved in EVP messages that often exhibit a shift in frequency outside of the normal human vocal range. The human voice generally ranges between 300hz-1000hz. EVP's have been measured below & above this range, even up to 1400hz. Portable digital voice recorders are currently the technology of choice for some EVP investigators.
During our investigations, background audio is recorded and then later analyzed with computer software that enhances both above, below, and inside the human vocal range to pick up sounds and speech that could usually not be heard by human ears. We feel that EVP is one of the most tangible forms of data produced in a paranormal investigations/research, and we consider EVP recordings to be valuable research tools.
Below we have listed some audio examples of each of the different classifications of evps, A, B and C. While these are not all of the evps that our group has collected over the years, they are some great representations of the different types of evps that may be collected while out in the field. To hear all of the evps that our group has recorded over the years, please visit our investigations page and see the individuals investigations where we have the evps listed for each different investigation.
Classification For EVP:
Class A---Can be easily heard and understood. Usually fairly loud and clear.
Class B---Can be heard and understood, but not with as much clarity or volume.
Class C---Voice is present, but is usually hard to hear or understand.
Class A---Can be easily heard and understood. Usually fairly loud and clear.
Examples of Class A evps below
Class B---Can be heard and understood, but not with as much clarity or volume.
Examples of Class B evps below