Grandpa's Watching
General Information
Equipment used: Personal audio recorders, digital camera, geophone, Mel Meter, spirit box, surface temperature thermometer and 2 KII EMF meters, Rem Pod and other person emf and recording equipment.
Atmospheric Conditions:
Moon: Waning Gibbous
Temp: 90° F
Humidity: 72%
Barometric Pressure: 30.02
Wind: SE at 11 MPH
Investigators: Christy, Curtis, & Kathy

Cam 1 – Master bedroom
Cam 2 – Kid's room
Cam 3 – Bathroom
Cam 4 – Kitchen
Cam 5 - Bedroom 2

Client Claims:
• Unusual noises at night, lights on when they were known to have been off, doors shutting on their own, items potentially moved, strange feeling in son’s room, son looks in fear at objects not seen by parents. Son has waking with separation anxiety at home when he has no sleep problems elsewhere, occasional sleep paralysis for client and her husband. Husband has seen the apparition of a man in a long coat and leather like hat in master bedroom.
• Female client has had paranormal experiences since her childhood. Activity was immediate upon moving into this rental home 5 years ago. The family intuitively saged the home which worked temporarily, but activity returned and worsened. There are currently 4 family members residing in the home, (2 adults, a toddler, and an infant.)
Historical/Factual/Relevant Info:
This is a 1070 square foot home was built in 1970 with three bedrooms and one bathroom. It is currently a rental property. The client has prior experiences of the paranormal at her childhood home. This home was researched for potential historical influence for paranormal activity to find any connections, but none were found. It can be difficult to find connections to any paranormal activity when tenant records are not available. A search of the newspaper archives only reveals an article published on July 12, 1962, that was about a car accident where only damages to the vehicles

had occurred. The innocent driver in this accident was a resident at the client’s former address at the time. There does not appear to be any fatalities of this accident which indicates there were no tragic accidents of any prior residents that we know of for the client’s childhood home.
Summary of Historical Research Findings:
Any potential haunting of the client’s home or childhood home does not appear to be connected to the physical property itself. Based on the fact that both homes researched were rental homes, it makes it difficult to track incidents by name that may have occurred to the prior residents. Therefore, a search of addresses can reveal when someone who lived at a home may have experienced a tragic incident that could leave an emotional or spiritual imprint on the property. This search in newspapers did not reveal any incidents involving the addresses of both properties.
Investigation Report

Set Up
8:45 p.m. – Christy went outside to get a piece of equipment from out of one of the cases that was out on the front porch. A few seconds after she was out there, she heard a male voice audibly say, “Hey you!” This was not captured on her audio recorder as she had her recorder inside.
Client Interview
8:06 pm – While waiting for the group to conduct their interview with the client, Christy felt a male presence around her, so she grabbed an audio recorder from out of her bag, turned it on and began a short evp session. During this time, she asked the question, “Can you tell me how you died?” A few seconds later, a male voice responded with what sounds like, “Cancer.”

10:30 p.m. – Initial walkthrough with environmental sweeps
Kathy had a personal experience while in the kitchen collecting temperature and EMF data. She was walking near the sink when she stopped after feeling as if she was about to trip on a cord that she felt at and above her ankle. She turned on her flashlight to see where this cord was and noted that there was nothing at all near or around her feet. No cords were laid on the floor in the kitchen. This is when the client reveals that she experiences the same exact sensation in that same location from time-to-time. She stated she hadn’t mentioned it in the interview because she had assumed it was just her imagination when it happens but realized it may be paranormal when Kathy had stated feeling the same sensation.

Wrap-Up - Loading Equipment Into the Vehicle - 1:10 a.m.
1:15 a.m. – As our team was loading up the equipment cases into the back of the truck, we had our audio recorders outside with us. Christy’s audio recorder was placed by Kathy’s on a container a few feet away from the end of the truck bed. Christy’s audio recorder picked up two EVPs. They were: “Whispery sentence,” and “Done, done deal done, done already.” Kathy’s recorder seems to have caught these sounds in the file called, “Loading truck at end.” She hears what may be
EVP Session – 11:09 pm
11:18 p.m. – While conducting a sit-down session in the front living room of the client’s home, a loud “thump,” was heard. The team had been asking for the male spirit (grandpa) to give them a sign if he was around when suddenly the thump occurred.

saying “alright” (at 35 seconds), “hey” (at 46 seconds), “you” (at 1 minute 2 seconds), and a loud “yeah” (1 minute 6 seconds). We thought that last one might be Curtis, but you can hear him separately in the background of the clip.

Psychic Investigator’s Comments
I was very surprised to find out that I was greeted right away in the vehicle before I even had a chance to really investigate the location. While I was sitting there waiting on my team to conduct the client interview, I felt a male presence around me. Although I never saw him, he felt like a grandpa type energy to me, and he felt connected to one of the homeowners. I decided to go ahead and pull out one of my
audio recorders and start doing an evp session. I did and after a few minutes of recording, I played back my audio and found that one of the questions I had asked, had been answered. I asked, “Can you tell me how you died?” The response I got sounded like, ‘"Cancer.” I was excited to let the team hear it once they came out so they could decide for themselves if they also heard the same thing. Once inside, I asked the client if she or her husband had lost a grandfather and I told her why. She said yes, they both had, and she said that her husband’s grandpa had died of cancer. We also let the client hear the evp.

Later in the sit-down I communicated with “grandpa,” and he told me that he was here to help the family and to guide and protect them. He was particularly fond of the oldest grandchild too. Grandpa did tell me that there was another spirit there, but that they were hiding now and that they didn’t want to make their presence known inside the home while we were there. He said they liked to hide in the shadows though. I got the sense that this other spirit was an Earthbound one. It’s evident from our evidence that there were other spirits there who were not present in the home, but outside of the home where we got more audio recordings.
I also felt like the female client has gifts and is a beacon for spirits and has been for a big part of her life. Due to this, she can draw spirits to her who are searching for help, and this causes some transient Earthbound spirits to come and go. Some may stay a little longer than others, depending on their needs.
evidence collected

There were 5 EVPs that was recorded during this investigation, 1 sound clips, and 0 video clip.
There were 0 positive photos
"Done, done deal, done, done already"
"Unknown whisper"
"Whispery sentence"